Susan's NEW BOOK!!
"Beyond Form: Learning Tai Chi from the Inside Out"
Available now for pre-order on Kindle (Release: Jan 31)
Paperback coming mid-March
(click links for more info.)
Livestream Class:
Fascia Connection Mastery 6 Week Livestream
Beyond Form: Structure and Song
Beyond Form: Fascia Connection Mastery -Available March 30th
NEW! Mini Fascia Course just $25
What is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi is an ancient martial art from China. Its gentle, smooth movements promote strength, internal and external balance and improved health. Tai Chi has many layers of benefits that go beyond anything you might imagine!
Why Tai Chi & Qigong?
Engaging in Tai Chi improves concentration and reduces stress. It improves the mind-body connection, energy, flexibility and strength. It also cultivates our Qi; our life essence.
Tai Chi is accessible to all regardless of fitness level. Susan also teaches Qigong classes. What is Qigong?
Tai Chi and Qigong are becoming increasingly recognized as a powerful form of healing exercise. To date, these practices have over 10,000 medical research articles proving its efficacy for:
Improved overall health
Improved balance and strength
Decreased stress
Increased cardiovascular health
Lowered blood pressure
Decreased back pain
Reduced joint pain
Increased immune system
And the best part -- Tai Chi and Qigong are accessible to all fitness levels and requires no equipment.